Favourite Quotes

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." — Maya Angelou

Sunday, September 19, 2010

First attempt

This will be my first attempt at "blogging". Please bare with me as I'm not an accomplished writer like Lindsay, don't let this detract from her work.

My impressions of England so far:

That "look" that is always prevelent in English films/TV show's; They don't scout locations, that's what everywhere looks like! Brick houses side by side. The 3-4 story Office buildings? It looks like the 4 blocks of Water Street, that Vancouverites have made into lofts, multiplied by one million.

The stairs in the homes are scarily steep. I'd sleep on the couch in the living room after a "night on the piss". Wouldn't venture those drunk!!

Green, this place is very green. Don't know what i was expecting, maybe an entire country of city. The countryside is beautiful here, much nicer than Abbotsford and Chiliwack.

Transit is so conveinient, bit pricey, but if done right more than worth it. The tube maps are easy to follow, the trains are comfortable, transit staff are helpful, even when they seem bored outta their tree. Just pay attention to when the tubes stop and prevent you from getting to your train drunk late at night, leaving you with an expensive cab ride. I don't care how cool the cabs are here, not worth the money.

Most importantly, the people, they're are great, hospitable, and friendly. Especially Lindsay's family and friends. They welcomed us into their homes, fed us, shown us around, and given us invaluble help.

Lovin' England!!


  1. Have a Strongbow for me brother.


  2. glad you're loving the homeland...have ventured to oxford or Cambridge to sample the warm and cozy pubs?

  3. Linds is drinkin the Strongbow for everyone Mike! haven't been to those spots yet Tom, Reading and London so far. Coal Hole last night, Purple Turtle....soon. Can't wait to take your advice in Laos re: the river rafting!!
